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Ciencias Naturales ENAE » Practice English
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Practice English

Listen and watch the video. The song

The animal sounds


The Animal Sounds Song

Below is the order in which each animal is mentioned in this song, followed by the chorus and the next set of animals. Each animal is introduced with “the [insert animal here] goes [make sound here].” For instance, “The dog goes woof, woof, woof, woof…”

Little Mouse

These are the sounds that the animals make. These are the sounds, that the animals make.


These are the sounds that the animals make. These are the sounds, that the animals make.


These are the sounds that the animals make. These are the sounds, that the animals make. x 2

Other animal possibilities:

  • Turkey goes gobble
  • Zebra goes neigh
  • Tiger goes rawr
  • Fish goes splash
  • Wolf goes howl
  • Goat goes meh




  1. valentina vergara lopez dice:

    profesora marleni eso hay que copiarlo en ingles

    • marleny dice:

      No, no es necesario copiarlo en el cuaderno de inglés, lo importante es que lo observe y lo relacione con los temas que estamos viendo. Gracias por visitar la página.

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